ITC is committed to enhancing the competitiveness of the ceramic industry. That's why, in 2006, ITC created the Ceramic Observatory, a competitive intelligence system made up of three specialised platforms: the Market Observatory, the Habitat Trends Observatory, and the Technology Observatory.
Nuestro Observatorio Cerámico es un instrumento de apoyo para las empresas del sector cerámico para reducir incertidumbre y mejorar la eficiencia en la toma de decisiones estratégicas.
The Ceramic Observatory therefore responds to the ceramic industry's demand for key information to complete companies' own internal sources and enable businesses to successfully address the rapid and complex changes arising in an increasingly globalised market.
The Technology Observatory (TO) is a system of observation, analysis and specialised information in technology. The TO is organised and structured to foster the ability to detect technological changes of interest for the ceramic sector. The main aim is to obtain and disseminate dynamically high-value technological information that will help reduce uncertainty in taking strategic decisions in the company, by providing users with an anticipation capability.
The Market Observatory (MO) is a competitive intelligence system that provides ceramic sector companies with information on the marketplace through publications and competitive shots. The MO features a ceramic marketing blog developed by a collaborator community, involving experts in different marketing areas. The OM's ultimate aim is to transform information into intelligence for business decision making.
En el OTH nos dedicamos a estudiar los cambios en el hábitat e identificar las principales tendencias en diseño dentro del hogar teniendo en cuenta, además, lo que sucede en el mercado y en el entorno sociocultural. De esta forma tenemos una visión más global, lo que permite trabajar con información adecuada para la toma de decisiones estratégicas que influyen en la empresa (diseño, comunicación, marketing, estrategia empresarial, etc.)