
9,000 sustainable building bricks avoid 80% of emissions into the atmosphere

  • Constructed a wall of bricks made from waste and avoiding the firing stage in the framework of the LIFE HYPOBRICK project, financed by the European Commission through the LIFE Programme (ref. LIFE18 CCM/ES/001114).
  • The company Ladrillos Mora, a member of the project coordinated by the Institute of Ceramic Technology (ITC-AICE), uses around 9,000 sustainable bricks in this construction in Illescas (Toledo), with similar properties to traditional bricks and saving 80% of CO2 emissions into the atmosphere.

29/12/2022.- The LIFE HYPOBRICK project, financed by the European Commission through the LIFE Programme (ref. LIFE18 CCM/ES/001114) has almost come to its end with the construction of a wall of sustainable bricks in line with the circular economy and climate action, as they have been obtained from waste and applying technologies that avoid the high energy consumption of industries such as the brick manufacturing, and also saving harmful emissions.

LIFE HYPOBRICK, que comenzó en octubre de 2019 y finalizará en marzo de 2023, tiene por objeto eliminar la etapa de cocción de los ladrillos, sustituyéndola por la tecnología de activación alcalina, que utiliza una temperatura muy baja y que evita un 80% de emisiones a la atmósfera. Concretamente, estos materiales se han obtenido a partir de residuos de este sector, así como de otros sectores mediante la mencionada activación alcalina y a una temperatura de curado de 80 ºC.

The LIFE HYPOBRICK bricks have been industrially manufactured in the company Ladrillos Mora, a member of the project, in Illescas (Toledo), using the prototype also developed within the framework of the project. This was in fact one of the most important objectives of LIFE HYPOBRICK, which has finally been achieved with the construction in Illescas consisting of a wall of about 250 mm long by 125 mm wide and 40 mm thick, using around 9,000 bricks manufactured industrially in the company itself.

Cabe recordar que en LIFE HYPOBRICK participan, bajo la coordinación del Instituto de Tecnología Cerámica (ITC-AICE), las empresas Ladrillos MORA, Recycling, Consulting & Services, S.L. (RCS), la empresa alemana Schlagmann Poroton GmbH & Co. KG (SCHLAGMANN) y el centro tecnológico Technische Hochschule Nuernberg Georg Simon Ohm (THN).

The main objective of the project has been from the beginning to demonstrate the feasibility of manufacturing waste-based building products (bricks and blocks) using an extremely low CO2 emission process, in order to accomplish with EU environmental and climate guidelines, reducing greenhouse gas emissions in the industrial sector from 80% to 95% by 2050. The industries producing these products belong to the group of energy-intensive industries.

La obtención y construcción de este muro, cuyos ladrillos tienen propiedades y prestaciones similares a los tradicionales, demuestra que es posible ayudar a que industrias como la ladrillera puedan alinearse con los objetivos marcados por la Comisión Europea al igual que con los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible indicados por las Naciones Unidas (ODS). Concretamente, LIFE HYPOBRICK está alineado con los ODS 7: Energía asequible y no contaminante, el ODS 9: Industria, Innovación e Infraestructura, el ODS 11: Ciudades y Comunidades Sostenibles, y el ODS 13: Acción por el Clima.

Toda la información sobre LIFE HYPOBRICK: www.lifehypobrick.eu