
El ITC avanza en la depuración de emisiones de hornos cerámicos gracias al proyecto DREAM

A pilot plant is running at the KERABEN Group, located in Nules (Castellón). at which the technological innovations developed in the European DREAM project will be evaluated and verified, with a view to enhancing the sustainability of ceramic processes.

Castellón, 14 de marzo de 2019.- El principal objetivo del proyecto europeo DREAM, que está financiado por el programa Horizonte 2020 de la Comisión Europea, es el desarrollo y demostración de una serie de innovaciones tecnológicas que puedan ser implantadas tanto en hornos de nueva generación como en hornos de cocción de baldosas cerámicas convencionales, para así permitir un avance significativo en la sostenibilidad de los procesos cerámicos.

A fin de comprobar estas mejoras “in situ” se han desarrollado 3 demostradores industriales que actuarán como escaparates tecnológicos para el mercado.

Within this context and in relation to the environmental approach, according to the ITC research team in charge of the project, the Institute of Ceramic Technology (ITC) has built a pilot plant consisting of a fabric filter baghouse with reagent injection and two fixed-bed reactors, for studying acid pollutant emissions with a view to reducing these as well as other types of potentially harmful elements that are emitted into the atmosphere.

This pilot plant, designed by ITC technicians, was installed at the KERABEN Group plant in Nules (Castellón) to carry out various measurement campaigns up to the summer of 2019. This experimental study will yield the cleaning efficiencies for different pilot plant configurations. To do so, the plant has been fitted with the latest monitoring systems to obtain data on the pollutants emitted at an industrial source in real time.

More about the DREAM project.

DREAM, acronym for “Design for Resource and Energy efficiency in cerAMic kilns”, brings together a number of major players in the field of ceramic industrial technology and focuses on the development of innovations for ceramic production. The project's main aim is to reduce kiln energy consumption, pollutant emissions, and production costs, while enhancing end-product quality.

The project addresses the development of five strategic innovations for application to the new kiln: a biofuel-fed CHP unit; the study of a tool for modelling, simulation, and control of firing parameters; implementation of heat exchangers for heat control and recovery; installation of new refractory materials and linings to improve kiln insulation; and monitoring and abatement of kiln emissions.

11 socios están involucrados en el proyecto bajo el liderazgo de Sacmi, the world's top ceramic kiln manufacturer, supported by the advisory services of CRIT, an Italian company devoted to technology innovation. Several global leaders in their respective fields complete the Dream team: Keraben Grupo (Spain) and Mirage(Italy), great ceramics producers; Rath(Germany) world leader in the refractories sector, supported by the co-national research institute Forschungsgemeinschaft Feuerfest. El Instituto de Tecnología Cerámica (ITC-AICE), centro de cooperación universidad-empresa situado en el clúster de la red cerámica española y Econotherm (UK), specialists in manufacturing heat exchangers, supported by researchers from Brunel University London. Además, será de mucha utilidad la contribución de los italianos University of Modena and Reggio and Synesis, compañía especializada en la innovación de procesos de fabricación.

More information.
