
El ITC impulsa procesos cerámicos más sostenibles reduciendo CO2

Castellón, 11 de noviembre de 2019.- Gracias al proyecto: CerOh! Strategies, que cuenta con la financiación del Instituto Valenciano de Competitividad Empresarial (IVACE) a través de los Fondos FEDER de Desarrollo Regional y la Línea Nominativa de la GVA, el Instituto de Tecnología Cerámica (ITC) está estudiando diferentes vías para reducir emisiones de CO2 en el sector cerámico.

Concretamente, en este segundo año del proyecto, se ha desarrollado la formulación de nuevas composiciones cerámicas cuyo objetivo es reducir de forma drástica la temperatura de cocción (más de 200 º C), gracias a la presencia de materias primas fundentes que contienen en elevada proporción compuestos como fósforo y vidrios reciclados.

Another important advance has been the achievement of carbonate-free tiles using high melting raw materials to reduce the firing temperature, such as recycled glass and talc. In addition, glazes and engobes have been formulated without using frit as a raw material to achieve different finishes. The application of these developments applied to full digital technology is being studied in order to obtain similar finishes.

Además, se han formulado esmaltes y engobes sin utilizar frita como materia prima, para lograr diferentes acabados en la superficie de la baldosa: brillante, satinado y mate, tanto para baldosas de gres porcelánico como azulejo.

En esta línea, se está estudiando también la aplicación de estos desarrollos aplicados a la tecnología full digital con el fin de obtener acabados similares.

Formulations of ceramic bodies with high mechanical resistance have also been developed, both dry and after firing, with the purpose to reduce the thickness of the ceramic tiles. In order to increase mechanical resistance after firing, the action has been taken on the composition and on process variables, such as the degree of grinding or the forming conditions, among others.

Para lograr aumentar la resistencia mecánica de las mismas tras la cocción, se ha actuado tanto sobre la composición, como sobre las variables del proceso, tales como el grado de molienda o las condiciones de conformado, entre otras.

With regard to the energy transition activity, the current situation of the ceramic sector in terms of energy consumption has been analysed, as well as the use of energy optimisation technologies that have been implemented in recent years, in order to reduce energy consumption in the production process.

The collection of this information has served to establish a basic line, with which it will be possible to carry out a prospective towards an energy transition that will include new productive equipment not based on fossil energy sources, as well as the incorporation of renewable energies into the manufacturing process.

In addition, the consumption and suitability of non-fossil fuel processes, such as granulation technology, infrared drying, and electric firing methods, both surface and whole tile, are being studied over current processes using natural gas.

Finally, we are trying to obtain "unfired" tiles by developing low temperature glazes for alkali activated products and for silicone-calcareous products.